Steve SavacoolJr

United States
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Steve Savacool Jr. is a newspaper writer with more than 40 years of writing experience who currently writes articles, essays, blogs and short stories.
As a passionate writer, Steve Savacool Jr. has accumulated an impressive portfolio of short stories, poems, articles and parts of a novel. He currently has more than nine novels that are almost complete, and he strives to discern which book to finish first. All of Steve Savacool Jr.’s stories are geared towards an adult audience, with genres delving into horror, thriller, and mystery.
Book proposals:
 The 9th Floor – The book is a horror story about a lost traveler stumbling upon an abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere. The mysterious concierge warns the guest not to open the door to the 9th floor of the hotel in an eerie, suspenseful tone. The traveler lets curiosity get the best of him, unleashing a horde of vicious spirits. He must then embark on a mission to capture the loose spirits with an alcoholic psychic by his side.

 The Creak of the Floorboard – This horror-thriller focuses on a lonely widow named Linda Belmond. After her wealthy husband passes away, she struggles to move on with her life. One night, a group of robbers breaks into her mansion in an attempt to steal the Belmonts’ fortune. Linda’s priority is to stay hidden from the robbers until morning. However, she decides that she will not let these thieves get away.

 Crawlspace – Katie Ericson is the protagonist of this horror story. After her divorce, she moves into a new home in the quiet town of Gradwell, Pennsylvania. All is well at her new home until she starts hearing noises from the floor vents. Katie discovers a new roommate lurking in the building.
Steve Savacool Jr. is an enthusiastic writer who believes his work is ready for exposure to the literary world. He has started nine different unfinished projects and is currently deciding which book to send in to publishers.
Personal background
Steve Savacool Jr. was born on May 4th, 1962 in Tallahassee, Florida. His father away from cancer when Steve was eight, serving as a catalyst in his young life to enter into the imaginative world of books and art. To cope with his loss, Steve Savacool Jr. read stories, doodled pictures and wrote about his own characters. He was extremely talented in the arts, earning recognition due to his refined knowledge and fast reading level. By the age of 10, he was encouraged to utilize his creative energy in clubs and activities.
 Planting the literary seed: Steve Savacool Jr. first major endeavor was when he was asked to join the prestigious Young Readers Society. Steve cultivated his love for creative writing in this space, reading various books each month and completing monthly assignments. He crafted his literary talents by writing a continuation of one book assignment after the story had ended.

 Steve continued to read and write creatively, winning the attention of renowned individuals through his writing classes and sophomore involvement with the Creative Writing Club. At these meetings, Steve would edit other’s writing pieces and was occasionally directed by a local self-published author who frequently visited the club to offer sound writing advice. He found the experience very rewarding, only propelling him further into his literary pursuits.
Professional education
Steve Savacool Jr. pursued a double major in Creative Writing and English Literature. He started another club that focused on creative writing called the Aspiring Authors Guild. The group was designed to help writer’s sharpen their skills to prepare them for publishing success. He brought in guest speakers who were self-published authors.
In 1985, he graduated with a bachelor’s in Creative Writing and English Literature and spent the following summer backpacking across Europe before partaking in his career. He acquired a job as a newspaper writer in 1986. Since the fall of that year, he has written countless short stories, essays, and advice columns for his hometown’s local newspaper.
Personal Life
Steve Savacool Jr. married his long-time girlfriend, Jenny, right after college. Jenny works as a nurse at the local hospital. Her husband often volunteers here in the grant-writing office.
Outside of his literary profession is more writing. During his free time, he enjoys writing and consistently updating his personal blog or writing movie and book reviews. He and his wife also love to fly to Miami during the summer to bask in the sun at their beachfront house.
Additional book proposals
Aside from The 9th Floor, The Creak of the Floorboard, Crawlspace, and Away They Go, Steve has compiled other book proposals, including Behold – a horror story about a museum curator named David Wolf. David’s museum contains dozens of wax models of famous serial killers. The story takes a supernatural turn when it is revealed that these wax figures come to life at night. They wreak havoc on the town, reflecting the personalities of the killers they were based on.
Steve’s horror-fantasy story, Behold, follows non-nonsense businessman, Jake Brooks. Jake lives in the town of North Glenn, home to Baderman Park. Legend has it that this park was built on top of a portal to the Underworld. Each night, it is rumored that demonic creatures roam the park, preying on unsuspecting travelers. Jake, an avid non-believer of superstition or the supernatural, ignores this warning. He soon regrets this decision.
Other proposals such as I See You, Fallen, and Trisha’s Calling also follow along the horror, mystery, and thriller genres. Steve strives to finish at least one of his books soon, devoting his time to researching the publishing process and building networking relationships with literary agents. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of the publishing industry with other aspiring writers.
Steve Savacool Jr. believes in the power of giving, particularly in his own community. He is a regular supporter of several organizations, volunteering his time to contribute to meaningful causes. One major association he supports is the American Cancer Society, a passion that evolved from his father’s passing. He also tutors at the local library one weekend each month.
The American Cancer Society (ACS): The organization fervently strives to save lives, committing to fighting back against cancer for more than 100 years. The society has millions of supporters throughout the world who relentlessly seek to find cures and help people get well.
The community-based voluntary health organization is diligent in aiming to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. ACS is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with 11 geographic divisions dispersed throughout 900 local offices nationwide, representing more than 5,100 communities.
 Mission: ACS strives to prevent and eliminate cancer, save lives and remove suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. Internationally, the group concentrates on building cancer societies and collaborating with other cancer-related organization to embody a united front and shared strategic direction to end cancer as a major health problem.

 Getting well: ACS is dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection, a stage in cancer that is the most treatable. They provide numerous educational efforts to help people stop smoking, offering proper screening tests and other steps toward healthier lifestyles.

 Education: The society offers limitless resources, programs, services and community referrals to patients, survivors and caregivers throughout every element of the cancer experience.
 Finding cures: The society funds revolutionary research teams in understanding the causes and best prevention techniques and cures for various types of cancer. The research program includes grants, behavioral research, intramural epidemiology and surveillance research.

 Advocacy: ACS fights back by working with lawmakers to pass laws in order to defeat cancer and unite others in the fight against the disease. The society promotes beneficial policies, laws and regulations for patients and families affected by cancer through our advocacy and public policy work.
Steve urges others to learn more about the society and how they can get involved. Steve Savacool Jr. is proud to support such a worthwhile cause through donations and volunteer services.
Steve Savacool Jr. plans to publish at least one of his unfinished novels in the near future. He recognizes the difficulty in getting a book published, and also acknowledges the unique place that he is in to encourage other aspiring writers. Sometimes even published, accomplished writers can discourage those who are seemingly “far away” from their goals. As someone who is currently going through the process, Steve is available to spur his fellow writers on toward the challenging, but rewarding process of publishing a book.
Publishing advice
In this day and age, publishing a book will only increase in difficulty, no matter the talent of the writer. Today’s market is extremely challenging to penetrate as an aspiring writers, as we live in a time where there is a surplus of books in almost every genre. Steve Savacool Jr. is optimistic that with focus and hard work, a writer can publish a finished manuscript.
1. Edit the manuscript.
2. Write a query letter.
3. Write a synopsis.
4. Research literary agents.
5. Wait patiently for the agent to respond once the query letter is submitted.
Editing a manuscript
When editing a manuscript, Steve recommends avoiding late-night editing and to find an environment that allows you to focus. He recommends editing small details including grammar, content and spelling, then going back to catch awkward sentence structure and other inconsistencies. If you are able to, hire a professional to edit your story, as they are normally experts in catching minuscule errors. No matter how discouraging the editing process is, Steve points out that determination and a positive attitude go a long way.

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