Brittney Crouse

United States, Arkansas, Little Rock
38 years old
2.0 3 Reviews
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06/18/2019 @ 06:28 am

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04/02/2022 @ 08:07 am

She is an absolutely lethal drug addict, a dead beat mother, and all around horrible person. She’s stolen from family, friends, places of employment and even her own daughter. She has at least different STD’s from being permiscuious while In commetted relationship. She cheap on partners with co-workers, friends of co-workers, people she doesn’t hardly know and other woman. She’s lost all her teeth from IV meth use and currently is losing her hair from unmanaged diabetics. She’s is currently out on parole but has picked up several a new charges and has 2 arrest warrants that are active. D

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04/02/2022 @ 08:30 am

This woman is a lethal drug addict, a dead beat mother, a felonies thief, and a compulsive liar. She’s been caught cheating on her partners of committed relationships with multiple people; co workers, married, friends, people of the same sex, and interracial partners. She currently has 2 know STD’s but suspect she’s picked up additional imfectious disease such as MRSA and thrush. She’s lost all of her teeth to IV drug use like meth as well as beginning to lose her hair from unmanaged diabetes. She’s jobless And possibly homelesss and has 2 active arrest warrants pending. She’s also on parole but has Broken the conditions and is obsconding. Avoid personal contact if possible.

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