Jamie Wahls

United States, New York, 11001
0 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
Jamie Wahls is a writer, programmer, pianist, suicide counselor, voice actor, massage therapist, mime, model, ex-millionaire, Krav Magi, scuba diver, game developer, neuroscience enthusiast, dance instructor, vegetarian, and very cautious driver.Jamie Wahls was raised by wolves. Literal, literal wolves. He works at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a nonprofit that does basic research on the question of how to make superintelligent machines safe and useful.
Jamie Wahls is a writer, programmer, pianist, suicide counselor, voice actor, model, ex-millionaire and much more skills he acquired in his life.
Jamie Wahls was raised by wolves. Literal, literal wolves. He works at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a nonprofit that does basic research on the question of how to make superintelligent machines safe and useful.
Jamie Wahls is a writer, programmer, pianist, suicide counselor, voice actor, massage therapist, mime, model, ex-millionaire, Krav Magi, scuba diver, game developer, neuroscience enthusiast, dance instructor, vegetarian, and very cautious driver.

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Career History

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Core Competencies
  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Art
  • Developing
  • Music
Greatest Attributes

No Greatest Attributes Specified

Business Achievements

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Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

No Political Party Specified