Sunghoon Kim

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11/02/2020 @ 07:11 pm

Great place to start. Not so much to stay. Typical Korean Top Down company with the CEO being stuck in the 90s where he first began as a door to door sales person. He expects skilled and experienced employees to stay without providing competitive salary and compensation but expects all employees to go an extra mile. They value whoever stuck with the company longer and it is all about immediate profit rather than valuing back end support and proper investment into marketing strategies which should be as important if not more. There is minimal PTO hours, sick days, and benefits. Expect them to try to sell the company to you instead of you selling yourself to them which defeats the purpose of the interview. The company often lies to lure in new employees. It would be something small as telling the interviewee that their dress code would be casual/business casual when it is full business on Monday ~ Thursday and goes as far as giving you incorrect job description. The job description will be very unlikely to match your daily tasks an you will be asked to do a lot more than what you signed up for. As mentioned above, as this is a typical Korean Top Down company, you will not be compensated for learning and going beyond what the job description entails as that is what they believe to be a given. You will also notice that there are far too many half-assed meetings and projects going on just for the sake of showing the CEO that they are doing "something extra". Expect to have the management giving minimal investment but seeking for maximum profit as that is the company's culture. Aside from your actual job, you will also have to deal with the fact that nothing is ever a secret whether it is something personal or business related as the majority of the employees that has stayed in the company long enough are ladies in their 30s and 40s just there gossiping all day instead of using that time to do their job and the first thing they will gossip about on your day one is how soon you will be leaving. It is a fine place to build experience but as you become more experienced, you will notice that the company has an extremely high turnover rate where majority of the new employees would leave under the timespan of 1 year.

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