Billy Zuckerman

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11/02/2020 @ 11:55 pm

The inappropriate comments and bullying have been endless. The inappropriate comments and bullying have been endless. I worked with one of the designers prior to working with them at Breaking Waves. In fact, she made a comment to me in front of my campers about my swimsuit having one pubic hair sneaking out of swimsuit because my swimsuit was a little high due to a growth spurt. It was a softer swimsuit and I was recovering from a sexual assault that had occurred that year. Because of that she told me I should never design swimwear, if anything it made me strive for the moon more. Also, she told me I was to "fat, heavy and overweight" to design swimwear. I only have one comment to say to her and that is people come in different shapes and sizes. The designers who can design for any body type are the true designers. If we were all cookie cutter, what a boring world we would live in its our differences that make the world a unique and exciting place.

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