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Avoid at all costs unless you are a refugee needing services There are a shocking lack of basic elements necessary for any professional NGO, for example, as of 2018, the organization did not have a history of conducting performance reviews. There is a mix of really wonderful people along with a toxic batch of extremely unprofessional people who because of who they are in the organization are allowed to behave in ways that would not be tolerated at a more professional NGO. Bullying is absolutely permitted, as is favoritism. Internal politics are everything at HIAS if you want to get ahead or even just keep your job. For instance, there are individuals who have been put in leadership positions who lack the basic qualifications for their jobs. HIAS is extraordinary for the kinds of risks they take on hiring shady individuals into leadership positions, while the shrinking funding possibilities under the current President are creating outright desperation among employees and HIAS' constituents.
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