Stephen Jacobs

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11/03/2020 @ 02:31 am

Company with very little opportunities to grow and cold environment Office environment was extremely quiet (you could hear the ducts running while everyone was drafting like machines) because communications seemed to have been discouraged. I was treated like a senior drafter under a manager who was not transparent and cared less to share anything with me. Having worked on the same local project from design to construction phase for 3 years straight, I did not once go to the job site, attended only a total of 1-2 client meetings and perhaps 3 consultant meetings. It was an insult given that I had over 10 years of experience at the time, having managed a similar sized project by myself at a previous firm. Turnover rate was extremely high; during the few years I was there, at least 20 people (out of a ~50- to 60-persons office) had quit or were fired. They were also very biased in terms of project distribution and often favored white or male employees for bigger responsibilities.

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