Joe Colletti

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0 years old
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11/03/2020 @ 04:46 am

Not What It Used to Be Salary is below average and raises barely cover cost of living expenses. Only way to negotiate a higher salary is to show them you have other offers. Senior management is the company's biggest pitfall. There's a revolving door of upper management, the CEO is never around, and the managers are constantly bickering, back-talking, and creating an overall negative atmosphere. There's little room for advancement, and higher-level positions are likely to go to friends of senior management. Several managers only have their positions because they were either friends of other managers, or had some sort of tenure within the company. Some of the managers are far from the most qualified to handle the role they're in (i.e., the shop manager doesn't have a manufacturing background, the engineering manager doesn't have any degree in engineering, etc.).

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