Ron Mark

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11/03/2020 @ 05:14 am

Receptionist Too much work for such little pay, the supervisor is too worried about her looks than actually training new staff properly and then has the nerve to point fingers when things go wrong when she actually does the mistakes herself, you have probably a month worth of training in 2 days and then they?ll set you up for failure of leaving you on your own on your 3rd day, complete nightmare! God forbid you have kids because you won?t be able to take days off if that?s what you agreed during your interview to work nearly 6 days a week, because if the manager just doesn?t like you, you?ll get fired right away, also the call center does mistakes and if you don?t catch it any further appointments you book for the patient will be pinned on you like you did the mistake, this place is a complete joke and the amount so many people are paying out of pocket costs because they don?t have insurance is just sad the amount staff gets paid.

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