Mark Waldman

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11/03/2020 @ 05:41 am

Stay Away Overall, a very unpleasant place to work. Lots of tension between the different departments. Lots of finger-pointing when problems arise, but few solutions. Lots of gossip. Many people will be nice to your face, but will not hesitate to trash talk as soon as you are out of earshot. Company is extremely disorganized. They have offices in a few locations in the country. For one brand you might have a designer in New York, a Product Manager in PA, and Production in California, but another brand might be all in PA or all in New York. It's not done in a way that makes any sense, and the only way to keep track of everything is lots of charts. Communication is terrible. After I was offered the job, I was given all the onboarding documents to fill out at home before my first day to streamline the process. My first day, neither the Office Administrator nor the IT department knew I was starting, so nothing was set up for me. Often, the PA or CA offices were not on the same page as us in NY. There is clear favoritism in the office. The employee handbook states you cannot be later than half an hour after the office opens, but many of the managers wouldn't wander in to work until close to 10am and often later, with seemingly no consequences. I was an hourly employee. Twice, my manager made me write up performance improvement plans at home, off the clock.

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