Larry Rosenstock

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11/09/2020 @ 01:28 am

The worst decision I could have ever made for myself This job was WAY too much work for way too little pay. I took the $10,000 pay cut to be part of a PBL school but found myself screwed over multiple times, with zero support, and most people stayed after, some not leaving until 5 hours after school ended. Work life balance is non-existent. Management was horrible and didn't want to deal with anything. They pushed all problems onto their employees as if planning projects and curriculum every day wasn't enough. PD was often useless, not engaging, and repetitive. We never got any real time to plan with our teaching partner so projects often had gaps in them or teachers weren't on the same page if sharing a project. You don't actually get any days off, you just take days as needed but there's also no subs so you leave your partner with double the amount of students for the entire day. Some people also take advantage of this and are 'sick' far more often than other people. The students are also extremely far behind in academics. I am not teaching anywhere near the grade level I am placed in. This spans across all subjects, skill levels are extremely low, often students don't know basic skills. The school doesn't seem to really care if students learn valuable skills as long as they are having fun and loving school, yet they won't release data on how these students do in college and beyond into the working world. IMHO, there's no coincidence there. Discipline is also non-existent. Expect your kids to act out, you'll attempt to discipline but the students know they can't actually get in trouble so they won't care. A student brought marijuana to school and administration gave him a stern talking to, but no disciplinary action. There is also no nurse, so if parents don't want to pick kids up, they get sent back to class with fevers and coughs. I have gotten more sick than ever this school year because students are simply sent back to class. We don't get notice when there is lice, or whopping cough, or any other contagions. You have to find out through the grapevine and pray you don't catch whatever it is. Overall, this job was too stressful, too unsupported, and the school only cares about "producing beautiful work." They don't care who they have to step on or what they have to sacrifice to do that.

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