Scot T. Kokandy

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0 years old
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11/09/2020 @ 02:20 am

Always wondered how SBC/AT&T always got voted most admirable or if it was just co. propaganda. SBC is working fiercely to dismantle the Union especially in California. SBC's former CEO, now CEO of GM, consistently lied to non-management employees. SBC has almost no regard for its managers and the employees are at the bottom rung in comparison to its share holders. Continually we were told that we were "Best in Class" when in fact we managers and non-managers, alike, knew our customer service stunk but we were not given the time or tools to resolve customer issues in a timely manner. Therefore SBC also lied to its share holders, of which I was a share holder, a former union represented employee and currently a manager.

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  • SBC
    Chief Operating Officer
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