Lordson David

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11/09/2020 @ 04:20 am

Dysfunctional, Demeaning, Toxic, and on an Elevator to Nowhere Hires amazing people, and then grinds them up and spits them out. The turn over is insane. Marketing is an especially horrible department. In order to survive at this company you either have to be a cruel bully, or passively manipulative. The best talent usually comes and goes, and is more often than not fired. Instead of motivating employees with perks or raises, they batter workers into the ground until they have no self-esteem left and are unable to fend for themselves. Most of the staff wanders is clearly burned out, jaded, broken, and dead behind the eyes. The last manager I worked with was a classic sociopath, which is the type of personality trait that would thrive here. Are you a cold, blood-thirsty psychopath? Submit your resume! Completely lost their way and clearly on the slow descent to failure. Stay away if you have any self respect or sanity.

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