Marc Ravner

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11/09/2020 @ 07:01 am

No future - BEWARE Where do I start: - No raises at after your 1-year mark - get this - it must be requested by the employee first, then if your manager decides it's a good idea, then submits a request to HR, then you still have to wait and cross your fingers to get lucky enough for a raise. Despicable... - Funny how there's a holiday party scheduled at the end of every year, but no raises for hardworking individuals... - Promises of incentives (free product) at the end of every week have stopped completely. - Hourly employees can no longer enter the building before their shift, must wait outside until 5 minutes before your shift starts. Used to be able to come to work early to drink coffee or eat breakfast in the breakroom to get ready for the day - thanks for doing this right as winter is starting! - After all kinds of security measures are taken, Upper management is still aware of STEALING. - Upper management hires temporary workers as replacements for terminations rather than hiring full-time employees to save money. - Upper management does not approve requests for new equipment to cut costs, even when it pertains to employee safety. - No foreseeable future, no job opportunities posted internally, no chance of moving up unless you know someone. - It's about who you know, not what you know or how hard you work.

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