Eduardo Morales

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11/09/2020 @ 07:34 am

Not worth it Management is a big con if you are not buddies with the owner or upper management you will not get anywhere no matter how hard you roll up your sleeves and get things done. Check out their webpage the upper management is run by men good luck ladies this is not the company to prove your skills. For a family owned company I can personally first hand tell you it is not family friendly company, if you have a sick child they would rather you neglect your responsibilities at home to get the overloaded work done. Say goodbye to your family with this company they will keep you from sun up to sun down with zero help. When there is a problem in another department that affects your own good luck. If you are desperate for a job and do decide to work for I recommend you do not drink the coffee I walked in on the receptionist spitting in it and licked the CEO mothers plate before handing it to her, I would stay clear from food and drinks. Not sure if that same receptionist is there. The pay is a joke and salary so they can overwork you and they will. You will be replaced even if you get everything you need to get done perfectly and still be considered irrelevant. When you are training someone to help you just know that?s your replacement, start looking for another job.

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