Afaq Khan

Pakistan, North-West Frontier, Peshawar
0 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
Here is one of the best gaming websites, which gives reviews on processors comparisons and laptops and other stuff comparisons.
Im a software Engineer and owner at
Here is one of the best gaming websites, which gives reviews on processors comparisons and laptops and other stuff comparisons.
Im a software Engineer and owner at
Here is one of the best gaming websites, which gives reviews on processors comparisons and laptops and other stuff comparisons.
Im a software Engineer and owner at
Here is one of the best gaming websites, which gives reviews on processors comparisons and laptops and other stuff comparisons.
Im a software Engineer and owner at

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No Education Specified

Career History
  • Wepcgamer , Pakistan , Peshawar , CEO OWNER. SOft ENG
    North-West Frontier
Family & Friends

No classmates Specified

Core Competencies
  • TO rank website high on search engines
  • Seo master
  • Soft eng
  • Web dev
Greatest Attributes

No Greatest Attributes Specified

Business Achievements

No Business Achievements Specified

Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

No Political Party Specified