Brian Kersten Veterinarian

United States, Minnesota, Minnesota
54 years old
0.0 0 Reviews

Upon his return to the United States in 1987, Brian Kersten Veterinarian joined a mixed animal practice in Baldwin, Wisconsin. His expertise and leadership skills shone through, and he eventually became the owner of the practice in 2001. His commitment to animal welfare extended beyond his practice, as he also served as the President of the Pierce St. Croix Humane Society from 2001 to 2003.

In 2016, after decades of dedicated service, he made the significant decision to sell his practice. However, his passion for animal welfare remained as strong as ever. In 2021, he founded Mercy Veterinary Service, a lowcost veterinary clinic in Baldwin. This endeavor was a clear reflection of his commitment to ensuring that all pets, regardless of their owners' financial status, received the care they needed.

His compassion extends beyond his professional life. He is actively involved in various charitable activities, including volunteering at Today's Harvest Food Shelf and supporting the Mercy Corps humanitarian organization. His involvement in these initiatives showcases his dedication to making a positive impact on both his local and the global community.

Beyond his professional and charitable endeavors, he enjoys a fulfilling personal life. He is a family man, married with four grown children, showcasing his ability to balance his personal and professional responsibilities successfully. In his leisure time, he indulges in various hobbies such as playing the guitar, gardening, reading, and exercising, reflecting his wellrounded personality and commitment to continuous learning and personal growth.

As Brian celebrates his 40th veterinary school graduation anniversary in 2023, his legacy of compassion, dedication, and service continues to thrive. His journey from a farm boy in Appleton to a respected veterinarian and humanitarian stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of animals and people alike.

Follow Brian's Business Website: Mercy Veterinary Service


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  • University of Minnesota , United States , Minnesota

    Bachelor of Science , Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science
    01/1975 - 01/1977
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