Jeff Ifrah

United States
0 years old
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His record of success and legal skills have earned Jeff Ifrah international recognition as a white-collar criminal defense lawyer and litigator at Ifrah Law
Jeff Ifrah is an advocate keenly focused on delivering results for his clients – on understanding the problems they face and developing innovative strategies to resolve them. He cut his teeth as a trial lawyer and officer in the U.S. Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps and as trial counsel to the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command at Fort Monmouth. Jeff then gained invaluable experience as a special assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s office in New Jersey.

He went on to become of counsel to the global law firm Paul Hastings and then a shareholder in the litigation department of another global firm, Greenberg Traurig. Often litigating cases against the federal government, he achieved a string of victories in cases involving criminal and civil antitrust laws, securities laws and the Civil False Claims Act. He defended some of the most well-known businesses in the country in industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare and technology.

Jeff is widely recognized for his legal excellence. Chambers USA has recognized Jeff for three years in a row as one of America’s leading lawyers for litigation in the areas of White Collar Crime and Government Investigations. The authoritative guide notes Jeff’s dedication to “getting a speedy resolution of contentious matters through application of good commercial sense and pragmatic legal thinking” and his “honest and hard-working” approach to matters. The previous co-chair of two key ABA white collar subcommittees, Jeff has also been recognized by LexisNexis as an expert in healthcare and securities fraud. Nightingale’s Healthcare News named him one of 12 outstanding fraud and compliance lawyers in the United States.

Jeff is also active in the publishing arena. He currently serves on the editorial board of the World Online Gambling Law Report. A leading national authority in federal sentencing laws, Jeff is co-author of Federal Sentencing for Business Crimes, the only comprehensive treatise on federal sentencing in the context of business and white-collar crimes. The two-volume treatise, published by international legal publisher LexisNexis, is a key resource relied on by prosecutors and defense attorneys throughout the United States.

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  • Yeshiva University , United States

    M.A., Medieval History
    01/1992 -
  • Yeshiva University

    B.A., Political Science and Sociology
    01/1989 -
  • Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University

Career History
  • Partner , United States

    not defined
  • Of Counsel , United States

    not defined
  • Special Assistant U.S. Attorney , United States

    not defined
  • Trial Counsel , United States

    not defined
  • Tufts Medical ,

    Medical Technologist
Family & Friends

No neighbors Specified

Core Competencies
  • E-Commerce
  • Data Privacy
  • iGaming
  • Internet Advertising
  • Mobile Telephone and Marketing
  • Online Fraud and Abuse
  • Financial Services
  • Government Contracting
  • Healthcare
  • Criminal Litigation
Greatest Attributes

No Greatest Attributes Specified

Business Achievements

No Business Achievements Specified

Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

No Political Party Specified

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