Jeffrey Zisselman

United States, Florida, Boca Raton
53 years old
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Jeffrey Zisselman's corporate accomplishments and philanthropic activities highlight his deep-rooted commitment to societal betterment. As a Chief Ambassador for esteemed organizations such as Nourish the Children and the Force For Good Foundation, he fervently supports initiatives to address and alleviate societal challenges, fostering positive change. His philanthropy extends to notable causes like Operation Underground Railroad, Skydog Sanctuary, Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS), and The Bill Wilson Center. In these roles, he imparts his financial literacy and knowledge of life skills, empowering marginalized youth and contributing to their upliftment.

Throughout his illustrious career, his dedication to excellence has been unwavering. He consistently pushes the boundaries of innovation, leveraging his influence for the greater good of society. His ongoing contributions to the business landscape are a powerful testament to the transformative impact of visionary leadership and relentless determination.

Residing in Boca Raton, Florida, with his wife, Diana, and their two Hungarian-born Maltese dogs, he fully embraces the coastal lifestyle. He finds joy in ocean activities and the region's sunny climate. Their enthusiasm for global exploration and outdoor pursuits is evident in their frequent travels and commitment to activities like working out beach walks, and meditation. His holistic approach to life underscores a relentless pursuit of excellence that permeates his professional and personal endeavors.

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  • Boston University , United States , Boca Raton

    BSBA , BU has been educating students of all kinds for more than 150 years: undergraduates, international scholars, master’s and doctoral degree candidates, and busy professionals looking to extend their education. For more on admissions and financial aid, check out the links below.
    03/2024 - 03/2024
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